Learn to code with CodeN'Sim

Classroom ready solution to learn coding from online to offline

Learn to code with CodeN'Sim
Learn to code with CodeN'Sim
Democratize coding with CodeN'Sim gamified platform and solutions 【For P1-S3 students】
Democratize coding with CodeN'Sim gamified platform and solutions 【For P1-S3 students】

CodeN'Sim learn-to-code solutions offers flexibility in learning and teaching in school, and the opportunities of application via inter-school competition! Let's strengthen students' computational thinking and problem-solving skills in no time!

  • Progressive Curriculum - walks students through icon-based programming, block-based programming, Python programming and artificial intelligence fundamentals
  • O2O Learning Possibilities - Apply the learning in an O2O coding and problem-solving competition against 50+ schools
  • Classroom Ready - comes with teacher training, gradewide learning activity and O2O teaching & learning supplementary
  • Competition Application - challenges students to apply their coding skills and problem-solving skills at thematic missions
Browse for O2O Coding Solutions
  • CodeN'Sim Coding & Problem-solving Competition
  • Coding platform & O2O Solutions
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